Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the outrageous fortune of weighing 180 pounds for 6 years, or to suffer the withdrawl from not emotionally eating....hmmm. what would shakespeare do?
I doubt he had a weight problem at all. There were no Starbucks, Wendy's, Taco Bell, or McDonalds on every street corner in Renaissance Stratford upon Avon. They were too busy "rebirthing" interesting things. Oh I would imagine they had tasty things to eat. But none so fattening I am sure as the Nachos Supreme, Chicken Mcnuggets, and Grande Caramel Frappucino with whipped cream.
I am still trying, but it is painfully slower going than it was before. I havent been walking in about a week. I feel as though this is becoming my confessional rather than my weight loss journal. Forgive me father, its been a week and a half since my last walk.
oh well. In a kind of generalized way I have been trying to keep track of calories but I have only been able to do this in a very general and really kind of succeeding in a kind of damage control and not really losing at all. I should plan better and not eat out so much. maybe I will walk today, but all this stress at home with trying to plan to move and organizing and cleaning and packing and staying at my mom's has not helped. I have no real motivation except when things are tight and I need new clothes and I get frustrated with things not fitting. And then I may have to end up taking a comprehensive exam this fall to finish my degree instead my thesis whick I have agonized over emotionally for years. This is lots of change for a Jenny that likes things warm and cozy. Argh.